Education and Civic responsibility

Welcome to my first blog page, in this blog you will be discovering the reasons why we the people should promote education and civic responsibility.

What are Education and Civic responsibility?

The basic definition of education is the experiences that result in two important principles continuity and interaction. In simple words, It is basically the human experiences, which are the past, present, and future effects the capacity to learn.

By John Dewey
Dec 28, 2015

Civic responsibility

Civic responsibility is basically the responsibility that all people have, for example, the fact that you have to take care of your sister/brother.


The Impact


Education has a very big impact on the modern world, since it allows people to gain endless knowledge about the world. Without education about everyone in the world would be in porverty as no education would close access to complex jobs like doctors, software engineer, etc.

Education is the foundation that we humans have placed so that others curious would be able to learn from our now limitless knowledge. Education has improved humankind so much as it guides the future generations of our people to the path we decide is right while still giving the next generation the chance to be what ever they want to be.

Manan Rajput

Civic responsibility

Civic responsibility has also changed the world for the better, as it states that people must take care of things for them selves. This makes sure that people do not just do what ever they want and get away with it. It makes sure that the people of the world would have to take care of the things they done as mothers/fathers take care of their children. Although some people do not always take action on their deeds making it no as effective as it could be.

Manan Rajput

Why should we promote Education and Civic responsibility?

Education is very important that so if we are able to promote education it would only benefit us. As we promote Education there would be less poverty as many more people will have access to education allowing them to pursue their dream jobs. The promotion of education would also open up many job openings as many new educational facilities would be constructed as more people would come to learn. So ultimately promoting education would benefit us and give a chance to the people who couldn’t succeed in the past, or was never given a chance or right to go to school. This should apply to all rich, poor,females,males, and problem children of the world.

Manan Rajput

Civic responsibility

Promotion of Civic responsibility is very important as if it was promoted, it would start to influence the people of this world. As people start following Civil responsibility, then their children would also follow as children look up to their parents. People would start taking care of what they have done as they become more responsible. People under this influence would start leading a global effort to get rid of plastic as they feel like they have to take responsibility from polluting the earth. So promoting is a very good idea as it benefits us humans.